1. diffuser and essential oils // you knew i was gonna say this :) seriously, in addition to the health benefits of diffusing essential oils, it really makes a difference in the overall atmosphere of my home when the air is filled with essential oils. put one in all high traffic areas of your home, and if you are at your computer most of the day, i recommend a USB diffuser! TARGET / AMAZON / YOUNG LIVING
2. walking shoes and sunscreen // ok i know this isn't technically "staying in" but hear me out. even when working from home and on homeschool days, i think it's important to get outdoors at least once a day for sunshine, fresh air, nature, and physical exercise. i put on my running shoes and sunscreen on my face first thing in the morning. find yourself a good pair of outdoor tennis shoes, and a sunscreen that you like, and work it into your day! i linked my: SHOES / SUNSCREEN
3. Beachbody On Demand // speaking of physical exercise, this is my favorite app for working out at home. i've been working out at home every day for years using this app! most workouts are only 30-40 minutes! super easy to work into a daily routine. BOD is $99/year, and there's a free trial no obligation option, as well. DOWNLOAD BEACHBODY ON DEMAND *updated: Beachbody has generously offered 11 FREE workout programs! CLICK HERE TO ACCESS (pdf file with links) (no purchase necessary) AND FREE Kids Fitness Programs on Vimeo here.
4. rebounding trampoline // this is fun for the whole family and really good exercise! i recently read that 10 minutes of jumping is the cardio equivalent of running for 30 minutes. i made a REBOUND PLAYLIST on Spotify to jump to. it's great for homeschooling days, too, when the kids need a bounce break :) WALMART / AMAZON
5. Voxer // face to face interaction with people might be limited right now (#socialdistancing) but you can still have real, quality conversations with friends using Voxer app. i love using Voxer because it allows the users to listen and reply via voice at their convenience, either real time or later. whereas, a phone call requires both users to be available on-demand. it's a fun way to stay in touch with people and hear their voices! i usually have ongoing conversations with multiple friends :) DOWNLOAD VOXER (it's free)
6. Church Home // this should be #1 on the list because it's what i use every morning even before i put on my shoes and sunscreen! :) Churchome app has daily messages with prayer and reflection via 5-10 minute videos. it's such a great way to start the day encouraged by the word of God! faith comes by hearing! (Romans 10:17) DOWNLOAD CHURCHOME (it's free)
while none of these things are absolutely necessary for staying home, either by choice or by CDC recommendations, they're all things that i have found useful for a successful, productive, and pleasant work from home and homeschool experience!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back from captivity.
I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,"
declares the Lord,
"and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile."