there are 28 days left in 2019. that's wild, huh?
i want to finish 2019 strong and start 2020 feeling accomplished, refreshed, and ready. i want to make the most of the end of the year, and do what i can to avoid going through the motions of the hustle-bustle of the holidays and then being caught off guard when it's time to flip the calendar. i can't slow down time (sorry) but i can be intentional with it.
my to-do list for the next three weeks has plenty on it, trust me. but i made this short list of things to do before the new year begins. maybe you're like me and want to go into 2020 with intention? grab your journal and jot this down so you can pray and process and start the new year feeling 100%.

5 things to do before 2020:
// REVISIT last year's new year's resolutions, goals, and/or your word of the year. how did it go? what worked and what didn't, and why? is there something you can do differently in the new year, take a different approach, or do to prevent setbacks? i give you full permission to call an audible on last year's resolution if you need to ;) if you have made progress towards a goal, celebrate that and give yourself grace to continue working on it even after December 31, 2019. don't give up!
// REFLECT on how you spent your time, your money, your talents, and your energy (be honest with yourself). was it worth it? what do your "bank accounts" for your time, finances, and effort, say about what you value in life? what investments did you make for your family? faith? health? others? legacy? what was the best use of your time/money/gifts/effort? what changes will you make in the new year? did you steward your resources well? were you faithful with what God entrusted to you?
// REMEMBER people who blessed you, and tell them. Christmas cards are a great tradition but it can become rote and perfunctory if we're not careful. take some time to write a note to someone who is a blessing in your life. or call, facetime, text, or email them. just please for the love don't post a personal thank you note on social media. i like to go through the photos on my phone to remember special moments and be reminded of special people in my life.
// REEVALUATE your belongings, and organize, purge, and donate. it always feels good to start a new year with less clutter. what have you accumulated that you no longer use/need? what is taking up space and no longer serves a purpose? what can you give away? clearing the clutter in your home is proven to lower stress levels, improve digestive and sleep cycles, and increase energy, focus, and productivity. plus, someone else could really be blessed by your donations. consider how you could live with less, and live generously, and go into the new year with that mindset.
// REASSESS projects and plans. what's worth finishing? what will you follow through with? if you have too much on your plate, it's a good time to honestly evaluate what needs to come OFF of your plate altogether. what is God calling you to do, or to STOP doing? what can you do to step into that calling? are your yes's and no's honest and realistic? set realistic deadlines - push them back if necessary, reassess your responsibilities, and delegate where you can.
and that's it! praying and processing through these things, and taking action on them, will be a great way to start the new year!
happy new year to you & yours
"those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31