mamas, we need to have a TAKE A STANCE IN ADVANCE approach when it comes to praying through parenting. it's time to link arms with God and surrender our children to His will. i know that i am a better, stronger, and more grounded parent when i go to God first and trust His good plans for their lives. parenting humbles me, and praying through it gives me strength to endure.
here are some of my most prayed PRAYERS FOR PARENTING:
(some original from April Simons, plus some new ones i've been praying over the years.)

// Thank You, God, that my children are a gift from You and that they are a blessing.
// Thank You, God, for supernatural wisdom and insight to raise my children.
// Thank You, Lord, for helping me to enjoy my children at each stage of their lives, and to choose joy through every season.
// Thank You, Lord, for empowering me to speak life into my children. Guard my tongue - help me to be an encourager and not a discourager.
// Thank You, Father, for wisdom in disciplining my children. Thank You for self-control, patience, and guidance.
// Thank You, Jesus, for helping me to not project my dreams, fears, or ideals onto my children. Thank You that my children are fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image.
// Thank You, Father, for peace in my home. Thank You for showing me anything in our schedule or environment that disrupts our peace, and for helping me establish peace here.
// Thank You, God, for eyes to see my children the way You see them. Help me speak what Your Word says about them instead of what I see in our circumstances.
// Father, thank You for empowering me with the Holy Spirit, for that still small voice of discernment and that "maternal instinct" that is undeniably You. To God be the glory.
// Thank You, God, for helping me to be a good listener, not distracted or too busy. I want to be present and available for my family.
// Thank You, God, for softening my heart, for helping me to be slow to anger and not easily offended, for reminding me to love and forgive, and for giving me a thankful spirit.
// Thank You, Lord, for grace and new mercies every day.
// God, thank You for a backbone to parent my kids standing firmly for what is right, what is holy, and what is pleasing to You. Thank You that we are called to be set apart and not of this world.
// Thank You, Father, for loving my children so much more than I can comprehend. Thank You for choosing and trusting me to be their mom. Thank You, God, that they are Yours. I trust Your plan for their lives.
// Thank You, God, that my children have a personal relationship with You. Thank You that they know who they are and Whose they are, and that they put their faith in You alone.
// Thank You, Lord, that I parent in faith and not in fear. Thank You that I am not parenting scared, but I parent with courage and faith. I trust You. Let my faith be an example to my children and a legacy for our family.
// Thank You, God, for sending friends teachers, coaches, and people in my children's life in Your perfect timing to fulfill Your perfect purposes.
// Thank You, Father, that my kids know You are ever present help in their times of need.
// Jesus, thank You that right now there is a family out there somewhere raising up godly children that will be my children's spouses someday. Thank You, God, that my children and their future spouses remain pure, seek You first, and honor You with their relationships. Thank You for the beautiful union You have prepared for their futures.
// Thank You, God, that Your Mighty Hand of Protection is over my children every hour of every day, everywhere they go. Surround them, Father, hedging them in Your care.
a m e n.
these prayers are saved to my instagram highlights so you can easily screenshot and save to pray again and again. or, click here for a printable version of PRAYERS FOR PARENTING.
April Simons hosts a podcast with episodes that are less than 20 minutes and they are SO GOOD. LISTEN HERE.
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God:
that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask -
we know that we have what we asked of him."
-1 John 5:14-15
"Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble.
But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it
and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference."
-Max Lucado
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