sometimes i read really great stuff and i just have to share it, and posting it on social media doesn't feel like enough. i actually hope you click these links and read these articles and see these things that i have to share! and i hope you enjoy it all as much as i do. here is my latest curated collection -(click the bold blue words to be taken to the full article/site/source)

// HOW TO CHANGE THE DIRECTION OF OUR DAY. "Declaring His trustworthiness to my soul caused me to declare other truths. You’re trustworthy. You will be trustworthy. You’re being trustworthy. I can fully trust you with this and this and this. Because You’re trustworthy. All the time." YES. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND CHANGE YOUR DAY.

// ALL THINGS NEW. "We all have areas of weakness, and we have all been through things that have caused us sorrow and pain… But...Jesus bore it all for you and me to have complete freedom, healing, and restoration when we make Him our Savior." YES. GOD IS LITERALLY THE BEST AT MAKING ALL THINGS NEW, BRINGING TO LIFE WHAT WAS DEAD, MAKING BEAUTY OUT OF ASHES, RESTORING, RENEWING, RESURRECTING.

// THE SKIMM. this is my new favorite source for daily news headlines and stories without any drama or biases or slants or hype. that's right: i get to read the news and form my own thoughts! wow what a concept. thanks, Skimm.
// OH, FACEBOOKERS. i shared this video clip from a recent SNL episode on my FB page. it's funny because it's so true. it's about the (sad) culture of "slacktivism" and "social media social justice junkies" - starring Louis C.K.:
// OH, FACEBOOKERS. i shared this video clip from a recent SNL episode on my FB page. it's funny because it's so true. it's about the (sad) culture of "slacktivism" and "social media social justice junkies" - starring Louis C.K.:
link to watch:
i also thought this video from John Crist about Facebookers was funny, and sadly all too true:
found it, read it, shared it! hope you enjoy it! xo
"how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ
if you favor some people over others?"
if you favor some people over others?"
james 2:1