my kids are readers. it's their natural go-to pastime. on long drives and road trips, we like audio books so the whole family can listen to the same books. recently, i was introduced to Heirloom Audio, a Christian company that creates Audio Adventures (audio dramatizations). these fast-moving audio dramas are designed to teach history in a fun, engaging, and Christ-centered way.
one day at home, i borrowed the neighbor's CD player so we could listen to Heirloom Audio's Under Drake's Flag while the kids and i did our kitchen chores. we all listened intently as the adventure unfolded. the characters in the story were believable, the production (sound effects and music) was well done, and we all got caught up in the plot eager to find out how the story ended. we were captivated!
there are five stories in the Heirloom Audio collection of Audio Adventures, each a tale of virtue and valor, daring and determination, character and courage. the stories are about 2 hours long and are designed for children ages 6 and older. every CD includes a study guide that can be used as curriculum for a lesson in Christian history - great for homeschool history lessons! the entire collection is simply wholesome quality entertainment for the family.

Heirloom Audio has a special offer for the first 27 people to order! go to: and the introductory set of 4 Audio Adventures with a money-back (and $ bonus) guarantee. although i'm pretty sure you won't be sending the Audio Adventures back after your family listens to them! they are soooo good and fun!
we are grateful for the opportunity to listen to the audio adventures and plan to incorporate Heirloom Audio CDs in our homeschool this school year!
solicited but unpaid review. my truthful opinion as always.