i keep praying that this faith we hold in common
keeps showing up in the good things we do,
and that people recognize Christ in all of it.
// philemon 1:6

we made resurrection rolls on Easter and guess what? the "tomb" is empty! praise!
we went to a church Easter festival where everyone was handed a colored piece of paper and herded into this shape as a drone circled above taking arial photos in an attempt to create "the largest human Easter egg." bless it.
it's not Easter until someone gets hit with a cascarone! can you guess who was the cascarone thrower and who was the cascarone victim here?? #confettialldayerrday
these flowers were as big as my daughter's head. i made her stand by them so i could measure. from a distance, it looked like the tree was covered in snowballs. up close, i could see the intricate details of each petal. God is a Master Gardener.
it took me 2 hours to go 37 miles the other day in a massive thunderstorm. parts of the highway were flooded. my knuckles were white and my heart was racing. i grabbed my chalk marker, scribbled a reminder on my windshield, took deep breaths, and prayed... peace.
writing a letter to his "brother" in El Salvador. be still my heart.
this dog thinks she's a cat. isn't this totally something a cat would do? it is. i didn't want to burst her bubble so i let her stay up there on top of my keyboard. dear dog, dance like nobody's watching.
i drink a chocolate milkshake every single day. except it's actually an all natural, sugar-free, dairy-free, nutrient-dense protein shake that gives me energy and helps me maintain my health. chocolate vegan shakeology for the win!
// and that, my dearies, is what's been going on around here lately! peace be with you! xoxo