it snowed. her: squeee! i love snow!!!! him: but is it enough to make a snowball?!

we were home-bound and built a giant fort.

we did not, however, take a "snow day." school was in session at HCPA.

much needed girlfriend time with these faith-filled beauties.
21-Day Fix Extreme day 2. it isn't easy but it's worth it.

we watched Big Hero 6 and i made these GF DF baymax cupcakes! and i had the guys at Papa Murphy's make a cheese pizza with 2 pepperonis on it to look like baymax. the kids loved it. cute movie. so fun.

i shared my heart and the heart of Declare on the podcast. spent the morning it went live seeking God and breathing in peace and calming. literally.

finally this tooth came out and his gap-y smile is so stinkin adorable.

i'm loving laser tag, and this is my IT'S GOING DOWN face.
and that is what's been going on around here lately!