our family has been using essential oils for more than a year now. i started using them in the fall of 2013 for various reasons. one of the first oils i sought out was to help our dog's nerves. our Lab, bless her heart, was having some anxiety issues and when i mentioned it to a friend she handed me a sample of lavender essential oil from her purse. around the same time, for a different reason, another friend gave me a sample of peppermint essential oil. in the summer when i was having trouble sleeping, another friend shared a sample of peace & calming essential oil.

every time i use the oils, i see results. so, for the past year i have been testing the oils on other symptoms and researching essential oils. and i am so encouraged by what i've found: i can keep my family well using pure, natural, God-made essential oils.
i bet i'm not the first person you've met who uses oils. most of my friends use oils. and even though i am known to live an all-natural, organic lifestyle, it took a full year of using essential oils personally before i was ready to commit. the tables began to turn this fall. it was then that i realized i had become "that girl" - the one who was recommending oils and giving out samples to my friends. and that's when it hit me...i believe in this. we have traded nearly all of our over the counter medications and cleansers for essential oils and blends. we are using them aromatically, topically, and even internally. Young Living Essential Oils are doing really good things for my family's health and overall wellness. what a blessing!

i am entering into 2015 as a Young Living Essential Oils Distributor. which basically means i invested in the starter kit and can now purchase essential oils at a discounted price. it also means i can be your go-to girl for all things essential oils!
i am trusting God with my family's health, and with our wellness journey using pure, essential oils.
"and God will generously provide all you need. then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others."2 corinthians 9:8
thank You, Lord, for providing all we need, and for equipping me to share abundantly in every good work. amen.
i am so excited and can't wait to share some of my favorite oils, my favorite uses, and our personal testimonies!
if you are interested in living well essentially, and trying Young Living Essential Oils:
// go to http://bit.ly/1E39zoh (link opens in new window)
// select either Retail Customer (to purchase single oils) or Wholesale (to get the kit - best deal)
// enter sponsor ID and enroller ID: 2356560 (that's me!)
// follow the 3 steps to signing up, the 3rd step "Essential Rewards" is optional
// want a sample? have a question? email me! let's talk oils! eryn @ mamahall . com
here's to a happy + healthy 2015, yall!