I Am Different is a weekly devotional video series on YouTube hosted by 16-year-old Sadie Robertson and her best friend Kolby Koloff.
yes, Sadie Robertson as in Willie Robertson's daughter, as in Duck Dynasty.
our family watches Duck Dynasty. we like the Robertsons.
the I Am Different videos are posted by the Sadie and Kolby on Monday nights. in the videos, the girls share a bible verse and their thoughts on how to relate to it, and encourage viewers to live out their faith. the devotionals are less than 10 minutes long, and so far have included a song that ties in with the topic.
i watched the first 2 weeks of I Am Different videos and knew my daughter (8) would love it. she knows Sadie from a few favorite Duck Dynasty episodes, like the one where Sadie gets her phone taken away and spends the day with her grandparents, and the one where Sadie and her dad shop for a modest dress to wear to homecoming. Sadie is a good, sweet, godly, young lady who is using her family's fame to make God known. that makes this Mama happy, happy, happy.
my daughter is at the age where she is starting to think teenagers are The Coolest People On Earth. time for me to introduce my daughter to cool girls like Sadie, so i can make sure she knows exactly what makes a girl "cool." cool girls love Jesus. cool girls are not ashamed to talk about God. cool girls respect their parents and obey the Lord. cool girls want to live a life pleasing to the Lord. cool girls know who they are in Christ. cool girls do not conform to the patterns of the world. cool girls are light in the darkness. cool girls are different.
I Am Different is now part of my daughter's weekly at-home bible study. here's the plan: each week, after i preview it, my daughter will watch the I Am Different video and then we'll talk about it. i'll have her write down the scriptures mentioned, summarize it in her own words, read the verses in context in her bible, and then we'll pray.
i made these printable study guides for her, with pink camo of course:

full page fill-in-the-blank version

half page bullet points version (write responses in a notebook/journal)
check out the I Am Different video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/85nDCFuiBzA
and here are the FREE PRINTABLES of our homemade I Am Different Study Guides, just click to open/download:
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world
but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think,
then you will learn to know God’s will for you which is good, pleasing, and perfect.
Romans 12:2
disclosure: this is completely unofficial. nothing sponsored or affiliated or anything like that.
i'm just a mama who likes Duck Dynasty and made this little printout for my daughter to go along with a video. no biggy.