this is an ordinary, no interruptions, no field trips, no co-op, no appointments, no meetings, weekday, day in the life of me and my kids:

somewhere around 5:45am - the white noise is off and i am awake. i spend my first moments each morning doing the same thing i did before i fell asleep the night before: in bed, reading and praying. my husband makes the best coffee in the world. these quiet moments in the morning really set the tone for my day. a little after 6am i make the bed and go to the kitchen table with my laptop to get some work done before my little ones wake up.

7:15am on the dot– Bubba comes into the kitchen, warm, eyes still adjusting to the sunshine. i love the way he smells. we hug and talk about last night’s dreams and i pour milk into his sippycup. he snuggles on the couch and wakes up slowly. i pour myself another cup of coffee.
7:25am – Big Girl skips downstairs, fully dressed, teeth and hair brushed, shoes on, smelling like a sweet, fresh bouquet of Bath & Body Works. her bed is perfectly made, dolls lined up in a neat row. she has probably been awake for an hour already. we hug and share last night’s dreams as she pours cereal into her bowl. her joy is contagious. i wrap up my work on the computer and start the laundry and dishes.
8:45am – we are at the gym. my kids enjoy meeting friends to play in the gym childcare for a couple of hours while i am in zumba and body pump. i enjoy this "me time" a few times each week.
10:45am – we hit up the Starbucks drive-thru after the gym for a tall nonfat extra hot green tea latte, and a giant chocolate chip cookie for the kids. we are happy, happy, happy. i might need to swing by the post office or dry cleaners on the way home, too.
11am – the kids start on their independent school work and i have a conference call. i help get their work set up, put in my earbuds, and log in to chat with The Seed Company EMDC team.
1pm – after a hearty lunch of (gluten-free, organic) pb&j sandwiches, bananas, HappySqueeze, and kernel corn, it’s playtime. Big Girl heads to the front yard with her clipboard and colored pencils to sketch cardinals in trees and spiders weaving webs. Bubba sprawls out on the living room floor with his Cars, making very realistic car noises with his mouth. i clean up lunch, check on the laundry and dish cycles, and then sit down to try to get some more work done.
2pm – it’s such a beautiful day. the sunshine beckons. we fill our water bottles, smear on sunscreen, grab our sand shovels and buckets, and walk across the street to the playground. i watch them play and make new friends, i catch some rays, and think about what’s for dinner. i make Bubba run laps. when their cheeks are rosy, we head back home.
4:30pm – laundry is done, dishwasher is empty, dogs and fish are fed, dinner is almost ready, hubby is home, and i do my best to keep the chaos to a minimum. soon we’re all at the dinner table, thanking God for His goodness, and sharing the highlights of our days. i love hearing the kids' versions of what we did during the day. the rest of the evening is pretty relaxed. maybe we go for a walk, maybe we take a dip in the pool, maybe we make dessert, maybe we watch a Duck Dynasty rerun, maybe we each find our own quiet corner and read.
8:45am – we are at the gym. my kids enjoy meeting friends to play in the gym childcare for a couple of hours while i am in zumba and body pump. i enjoy this "me time" a few times each week.

10:45am – we hit up the Starbucks drive-thru after the gym for a tall nonfat extra hot green tea latte, and a giant chocolate chip cookie for the kids. we are happy, happy, happy. i might need to swing by the post office or dry cleaners on the way home, too.

4:30pm – laundry is done, dishwasher is empty, dogs and fish are fed, dinner is almost ready, hubby is home, and i do my best to keep the chaos to a minimum. soon we’re all at the dinner table, thanking God for His goodness, and sharing the highlights of our days. i love hearing the kids' versions of what we did during the day. the rest of the evening is pretty relaxed. maybe we go for a walk, maybe we take a dip in the pool, maybe we make dessert, maybe we watch a Duck Dynasty rerun, maybe we each find our own quiet corner and read.

7:30pm - time to start winding down. jammies on, lights dim. take showers, brush teeth, clean up the toys, pick out books for bedtime. by 8pm the kids are tucked in, and hubs and i prop our feet up and call it a day. another great day.
9pm - i'm in bed reading and praying, thanking God for these wonderfully ordinary days.