i had the opportunity last year to dance in a REAL flashmob! on my BIRTHDAY!
flashmob a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment
talk about FUN! my friends from the gym and i showed up at the outlet mall one evening, plugged in a boombox, and acted all casual, until we all jumped in to perform the choreographed routine. there were about 20 of us. we all wore pink to support one of our friends who is a breast cancer survivor. we created quite a scene right there in front of the food court! lots of shoppers stopped to watch, and a few even jumped in to dance with us!
{i am wearing a long sleeve pink top, black short pants, purple shoes, sunglasses, and side pony - click here to open the video}
it was a total blast and crazy fun way to celebrate my birthday. if you ever have the chance to be in a flashmob, i encourage you to be brave and do it!