i want a faith like that. a faith that is VIBRANT in my heart and in my home. pulsating with life, bright, resonant, and responsive. yes, please.
thanks to my sweet friend, Anna, i recently found Vibrant Faith @ Home, a website full of resources to help families develop a vibrant faith at home. from activities, events, and devotions, to articles, books, and videos, Vibrant Faith @ Home has a lot of free and easy-to-access ideas for building, developing, and cultivating mine and my family's faith.
everything on the website is offered to equip and empower families to:
· TALK with each other about their faith· PRAY together in ways that are comfortable and comforting
· RITUALIZE their important moments
· REACH OUT in service and support of others
the site has a lot of fun options for customization and interaction. i'm a Vibrant Faith @ Home member, (it's free to join!) and what that means is i have access to a custom "bin" where i can store activities and articles from the site and access later. VF@Home will also recommend articles, activities, and events based on my life stage, once i enter in the information on my member profile. i can enter in upcoming milestones, birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions, and because i consider these dates important, VF@Home will celebrate them with me.

i like VF@Home simply for the support available for families who are intentional about raising the next generation of committed Christians. some of my favorite articles and activities that i have stored in "my bin" for future reference are:
- Keeping a Journal: devotional and practical application idea for Moms in need of quiet time with the Lord
- The Lorax: activity and devotional for children as it relates to the classic Dr. Seuss story and movie.
- A Bad Day: activity and devotional for children to encourage them to turn to Jesus on bad days.
Vibrant Faith @ Home is a great website for families in all stages of their walk with Christ. i highly recommend it for anyone looking for encouragement and resources for cultivating a vibrant faith in their home! check it out when you get a spare minute, instead of going to Facebook {smile}, i promise the content is worth your time: http://www.vibrantfaithathome.org
disclosure: this is my honest opinion of the website. i was compensated for testing the site and reviewing it here.