these vintage pots found on etsy remind me of the warm yellow kitchen in the little house where i grew up. maybe my mom had a similar set? my most vivid memories of that house are of the kitchen and dining room. and for some reason, the smells of Fall- stews, chili, roast, cornbread- take me back to the kitchen in that little house on Westwood Drive.
what smells, what season, reminds you of home?
it makes me wonder, with a smile, what smells will remind my grown children of these years in our home? the thought of it reminds me to be intentional, to engrave memories in all of their senses.
these are the dinners i'm making this week with links to the recipes:
open-face grilled cheese with tomato slices and tomato soup
eggplant & zucchini casserole with quinoa
creamy avacado pasta with garlic toast
it's almost October and i am in the mood for Fall! is it Fall in your neck of the woods? it probably won't feel like Fall here for a few more weeks, but that won't stop me from making it feel, taste, and smell like Fall in my home!
here are some of my favorite Fall-time recipes (with links, photos from the recipe link)... come on Fall-time temperatures!
happy cooking, everyone!