{this giveaway is now closed}
WINNERS: Comments #2, 7, 8 & 9 selected @ Random.org
you can't read your bible while you're driving.
but sometimes... don't you wish you could? i do. because let's face it, some days it just seems impossible to get alone with God.
He longs to spend time with us. He knows i am on the go, that i have places to be, people to see, and things to cross off of my to-do list. but still, He wants us to immerse ourselves in His Word, to learn more, to get closer, to grow stronger in our faith.
"...faith comes from hearing the message,
and the message is heard through the word about Christ."
Romans 10:17 NIV
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7 NIV
He answered my prayer quickly. i may not be able to read my Bible when i'm running errands, but i can pop this into my car CD player:
drive time devotionals! "for the busy Chik"! YES!
Chiks on the Go is 15 brief but powerful messages brought to you by April Simons. her light-hearted messages will encourage your heart and draw you closer to the Lord. April Simons has five(!) children, so naturally, the devotionals are designed for women, and she can definitely relate to busy moms. she is fun and funny as she shares practical, insightful, biblical word.
these CDs are perfect for listening to in the school drop off lane, on the way to soccer practice, to the grocery store, in 5 o'clock traffic, on your iPod at the gym, or wherever it is you're going whatever it is you're doing. you might even find yourself volunteering to run extra errands just so you can listen to more Chiks on the Go devotionals. maybe?
did i mention she has 5 kids?! |
are you a busy Chik?
could you use some QT with God when you're on the go?
i am giving away Chiks on the Go Drive-Time Devotionals from April Simons! one copy for you AND one copy for you to bless someone with! give the extra copy to your friend, your sister, your neighbor, your small group leader, or any busy Chik in your life.
to enter, simply leave a comment telling me what a busy Chik you are. :)
for an extra entry, tweet about the giveaway with a link to this page + @mamahall, @aprilosimons, and @hpcarlingtontx.
please leave your email address with each entry. 4 names will be selected at random and announced on Tuesday, October 4. this giveaway is open to US residents only.
enter now! tell your friends!
full disclosure: i was provided with ample copies of the CD for the purpose of giving them away here. i was not compensated in any way. all opinions are always honestly my own.