this week... was all about apples! we studied apples and Johnny Appleseed, and incorporated apples in our lessons somehow every day, culminating in a field trip to a real working apple orchard! i found some great ideas at "Homeschool Pass it On" resource link-up. we had a fun week of eating apples, planting apple seeds, cooking with apples, doing art projects with apples, reading books about apples, and finally picking our very own apples. BigGirl likes apples, however, she is a little timid to eat them now with her top front tooth missing! and the remaining top front tooth is wiggly! it was all applesauce and No Bake Apple Cookies for her.

unfortunately, my little one was down with a double ear infection this week. high fever, no appetite, antibiotics, extra clingy...which means extra snuggles, no schoolwork, high doses of TLC, and lots of quality stay-home time. Bubba loves going to see his pediatrician, he loves to take medicine, he loves to nap on the couch, and he loves it when Mama prays for him. he's a trooper, but i am glad he is feeling better today.
just for you.. scriptures to pray over your homeschool. simply click here or on the image above to be taken to the printable file. the same scriptures that i listed on Tuesday are here for you (in my handwriting!) print, clip, and pray often. i keep mine tucked in my planner.
and that's what is going on around here lately! thanks for visiting and check out The Homeschool Chick and Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for more weekly homeschoolers' updates. have a great weekend, yall!