i love this print (a Pinterest find). there have been {many} moments this week when i have actually thought this to myself and giggled.
this week...BigGirl (6) finished (finally) her math prep book. now we can crack open the textbooks and get some serious math done. i was adamant that she finish the prep book so that when we got to the "real" math, she would be well-practiced. she has been studying the earth in history and science, and the week culminated with a science project regarding the earth's layers. this book has been a great resource for homeschool science "investigations." BigGirl used a little set of Legos from a party goody bag to do creative art/architecture and problem-solving. she is doing excellent in all of her studies: i couldn't ask for a better student!
Bubba (3) had a two busy days at preschool this week, where he was the class "prayer leader." i'm so proud of him. he learned the pledge of allegiance and memorized two scripture verses this week! also, he has *almost* mastered writing all of the letters in the alphabet. this amazes me because i never thought he was paying attention (smile). boy moms, you understand this, right?
as for me... i gave myself a craving for a Pumpkin Spice latte, invited some lovely friends over to study the Book of Acts, spent some time searching for vegan meals on Pinterest, and clung to sweet memories of my Dad. i met with DevotionMama to recap the Mamas Write Mini Conference...we already have great things in mind for the next one! and finally, i prepped for the #teachthetruth Twitter Party on Sept. 20 at 8pm CST. you'll be there, right?
some of my favorite moments...
(pardon the iphone quality pics! i'll try to use my *real* camera more often)
storytime at Gorbella's
Big Girl at gymnastics
Bubba at the library
and that's what is going on around here lately! thanks for visiting and check out The Homeschool Chick and Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for more weekly homeschoolers' updates. have a great weekend, yall!
