the only ghost we speak of is the Holy Ghost. there is no such thing as witches or goblins. pumpkins are friendly, skeletons are human bones, bats are nocturnal, and spiders eat mosquitos. Halloween, in our home, is a time for dressing up and eating candy with friends. no evil connotations. no spooky stories.
God hasn't given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a peaceful mind. (2 Tim 1:7)
this is Bubba's 2nd Halloween and i'm taking full advantage of his inability to tell me what he wants to dress up as on the occassion. for as long as i can get away with it, i'm dressing my kids in {relatively} themed costumes. they make such a cute little duo!
last year, Bubba was a puppy and Big Girl was a giraffe. theme = sweet animals.
at a costume party last weekend, Big Girl was a princess and Bubba was a dragon. theme = storybook fairy tale.
on Halloween night, when we take them out to collect sweet treats, Big Girl is dressing up as Jasmine and Bubba is dressing up as Abu. theme = Disney's Aladdin.

can't you just see my little monkey wearing this? it was custom made by Kiki's Things on Etsy.
and that's how the Halls do Halloween.
how do YOU do Halloween?