Good thing, too, because it happened again this week.
I saw a set of pretend money in the dollar section at Target and scooped it up. Teaching about money wasn't in my plan for this week or next, or at all, really. But I knew it would be something I'd teach eventually. I couldn't pass up the bargain I was getting - $182.05 for $1!
When Big Girl saw the pretend money in my shopping buggy it was ALL she talked about. She wanted to play with it, she wanted to know what every symbol on every coin meant, why those guys faces were on those dollars, and how much money she needed to buy a trampoline.
She wants to learn about money. Now.

Yes, we've been there a hundred times. But until now, the only books we touched were the board books and easy reader stories. This time, we ventured into the non-fiction.
I had forgotten how wonderful that part of the library is! There are books about everything! No rhyming sing-song books. More text than pictures! Blatently educational!
We had no trouble finding "Money Math," and the next shelf over had several books about butterflies and caterpillars.

I could have stayed there all day picking out books to supplement our lessons. They're free! All you need is a library card, and a good self-reminder system in place so you don't forget to return the books by their due date.
Most libraries have a summer reading program for children, teens and adults with incentives to read thru the summer. Big Girl has already turned in two reading logs and the prizes they gave her were awesome!
Most libraries also have storytimes and special events for teens and families. The library is really a great resource for homeschooling families.
Thirsty to learn? My tip is to take full advantage of the free books at your local library. And check out more tips for satisfying your kids' thirst for knowledge at Five J's.