Like today.
BigGirl is in VBS this week and there she is learning all about different countries. India, North Korea, and the Philippines so far. I've been supplementing her VBS lessons at home with some relevant social studies and geography.
But today, on my way to research the Philippines, I almost stepped on something. Something green. And wiggly. A caterpillar.
My instinct was to pick it up and throw it outside. But instead, I listened to that still, small voice that said Pick it up. Teach her about caterpillars.
But God! I rolled my eyes. She already knows about caterpillars. They make cocoons and turn into butterflies.
Let her witness the life cycle. Teach her that just as the caterpillar is reborn in the form of a beautiful, winged butterfly, Scripture nourishes us so that we may be born into the heavenly kingdom.

So I put the caterpillar in a jar with some leaves and stuff. BigGirl is so excited to watch him grow. We're reading 2 Cor 5:17, "old things are passed away and all things become new." It wasn't in my lesson plan, but God's. And it's way better than anything I could have come up with on my own.
Want more homeschooling tips and tricks? I recommend Thirsty Thursday!