And then, one day I was lost in cyber space researching local homeschool resources, and I found it. My personal #1 Go To for All Things Homeschooling. The City* Homeschoolers Group, on Yahoo Groups. The group is made up of dozens of homeschooling families that live nearby. I joined the group (free), "met" the moderators via e-mail, and selected to recieve the Group's message board discussions in daily digests. And let me tell you, this group can do some discussing! From curriculum suggestions and textbook reviews to co-ops and extra curricular activities, I know I can go to the group for any tips, ideas, and advice I need for homeschooling.
But that's not all. Group members sell and swap homeschooling (and non-homeschooling) stuff on the group message board, share recipes and doctor recommendations, host and organize clubs, play days, outings and field trips, and discuss the latest in homeschool-related government legislation. Their children are all ages, so I get to think ahead and get a glimpse of what's to come when they post discussions about teaching 3rd grade and testing 11th graders and prepping for the SATs.
Besides being made up of all local families, the best part about my Homeschoolers Group is that it is Christ-centered and based upon Biblical principles. We pray for each other!
I have logged on to the group to help me put together my game plan, decide on curriculum, and navigate this new terrain. When I'm thirsty, I visit my Homeschoolers Group online.
Collectively, the group members are a big tall glass of ice cold knowledge.
So...my Thirsty Thursday tip for the week is go local. Research Yahoo Groups for a group of homeschoolers near you. You'll be glad you did!
(*"City" = the city in which we live. The group name contains my city name, I just made it anonymous for the sake of being secretive.)
Today I'm going to post on my Homeschoolers Group discussion board about Five J's Thirsty Thursday, another great resource for homeschooling families.