Christmas is coming! we are so excited for Christmas break, and while we're looking forward to relaxing and simply spending time together, i am brainstorming things to do to make the most of the holiday season. i'm all about making memories and creating traditions!
here is a really random list of fun and free (or almost free) family friendly things to do and some free printables :)
1 // watch Christmas movies: PRINTABLE LIST of family-friendly Christmas movies
2 // go look at neighborhood Christmas lights: PRINTABLE Christmas lights scavenger hunt
1 // watch Christmas movies: PRINTABLE LIST of family-friendly Christmas movies
2 // go look at neighborhood Christmas lights: PRINTABLE Christmas lights scavenger hunt
3 // go play at the indoor mall playground, visit Santa, check out the mall Christmas displays
4 // start an Advent angel and Truth in the Tinsel: interactive Christmas activities for kids that tell the story of Jesus' birth
5 // go to a Christmas tree farm, play hide-and-seek, take pictures, collect fallen branches for a pretty centerpiece
6 // department/grocery store scavenger hunt: PRINTABLE store scavenger hunt
7 // write your own Christmas story, play, or song
8 // go to a local tree lighting or Santa's arrival
9 // try a new recipe and make extra to share with neighbors or friends
10 // check out Christmas books from the library - try to find books about Christmas in other cultures
11 // gift wrap toys and things around the house just for fun
12 // make Christmas ornaments to keep or gift
13 // make Christmas cards to send to soldiers
14 // make Christmas cards for neighbors, mailman, and teachers
15 // write your family "year in review" and goals for the new year: PRINTABLE family year in review template
16 // clean closets, pantry and collect donations for a local charity
17 // learn and sing Christmas carols - take a video to send to loved ones
18 // make a gingerbread house out of things you already have on hand
19 // visit a nursing/assisted living facility and deliver candy canes to residents
20 // attend a local church Christmas play, program, concert, or service

have fun! Merry Christmas!