wow, i blinked and somehow we're a quarter into the new school year!? it's already almost Christmas break for goodness-sakes! well, we made some changes (again!) to our schooling this year and now that we are at a point in the year where i can actually stop, breathe, and assess our new school days, my assessment is this: it's going great!

the biggest change for us this year is with bubba's schooling. he is in 5th grade and is attending the same university model school where haile goes! this was a major big deal decision for our family, brought on in the summer when bubba told us that he was ready for a change, and that he wanted to go to school. we were under a pretty quick deadline so we went through the (intense!) enrollment process, praying God's will for every step of the way. God continued to open doors and confirm that bubba was ready and this was good. nevermind the emotional rollercoaster i was on as we prepared to send my baby to school for the first time ever! i definitely grieved my homeschooling days with him, feared for his transition, and questioned pretty much everything. but God is faithful. my good Father comforted and calmed every one of my emotions and brought me to peace, joy, and courage.

meanwhile, haile is rockin' the 8th grade. she continues to thrive in this rigorous academic environment where she is challenged by her peers, and is becoming incredibly responsible and self-motivated. i have to say, homeschooling our children was one of the best decisions we made. // thank God for leading us in that direction! // we had no idea what we were doing, we were definitely learning as we went, and it was not easy, but now, as we have immersed them in a school setting and program, we can clearly see the fruit of our labor! not only are they academically well prepared, they also have a love for learning that i know was nurtured in our homeschooling days. it makes my heart so happy! we are so proud of them both!
now both kids are in school twice a week and homeschooled 3 days a week. truthfully, i am the one who is still adjusting to this! i miss having them at home with me all five days - it's so quiet! but at the same time, i am able to get a lot more done around the house while they are in school. and (most of) our school day afternoons are like sweet mini-reunions. i am giddy excited at pick-up time :)

it's lots of new and it's going great. we are thankful! God is good!