my prayer list is longer lately. too many of my close friends and family are hurting and facing tough stuff. when i'm alone long enough to think about all that is going on in the lives of the people i love, i get kind of mopey and pouty. my heart aches.
the problems are looming and heart wrenching. the decisions that need to be made are hard and life altering. they aren't my mountains, but they might as well be because watching my people suffer makes it hard for me to breathe. i'm tense from watching their feet slip on unsteady rocky terrain. i'm anxious seeing their grip weaken day after day. i want so badly to see them get to the top of their mountains where they can rest in victory.
in the meantime, i pray for her and i pray for them and i pray for him. Lord, be near! and yet the mountains loom over them. my prayer list lengthens. i try to stay focused and strong, their confidant and cheerleader. i climb with them. in this season i am called to be a faithful intercessor.
in my quiet time this week i'm reading about Joshua as he led the Isrealites across the Jordan. Joshua 3:5 gives me these words for my encouragement arsenal: "the Lord will do great wonders among you." i sit with this for a second just thinking about the character of God: faithful, loving, sovereign, just, loving, protector, savior, provider... as i'm praying and armoring up to take my stance on behalf of my struggling friends, God reminds me of how big He is and the great wonders He will do.
and it occurs to me, i can stand strong in God's faithfulness because i have been the one in pain and suffering, and God has brought me out of it. i can visualize the other side of the mountain - where victory, freedom, breakthrough happens - because i've been there. i know the great wonders of God because i've seen them myself. so now - now - i can intercede on behalf of my friends! and i'll do it not by telling God all about the problems they face, but by telling the problems all about my God.
so guess what, DIVORCE? my God works all things (all things!) for the good of those who love Him! we might be pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. we are perplexed, but not driven to despair. we are never abandoned by God. we get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. (romans 8:28, 2 corinthians 4:8-9)
and hey, MOVE? my God goes before them and directs their path! He has great plans for them! our friends will remain as close as family. (deuteronomy 31:8, proverbs 3:3-5, 18:24, jeremiah 29:11)
MISCARRIAGE? LOSS OF A LOVED ONE? Jesus will not leave them comfortless; He is near to the brokenhearted. they are held in the arms of the Father! (john 14:18, psalm 34:18)
consider this FINANCIAL FALLOUT, no good thing does God withhold from those who walk uprightly! my heavenly Father knows exactly what they need and He will provide! (psalm 84:11, philippians 4:19, matthew 6:32)
listen up ILLNESS- they will be strengthened according to God's word! God gives power to the weak! (psalm 119:28, isaiah 40:29)
it's a season of interceding for me, and i am grateful. God has prepared my heart to encourage my friends and family as they endure. i have rewritten my prayers and suddenly their mountains don't look so steep. my prayer list is still long, my friends are hurting. but i will stand strong! i will tell every problem about my great God. and my posture changes from pouty and mopey and defeated to joyful and confident and victorious.
is your prayer list long? do the mountains seem insurmountable? are you in a season of interceding for loved ones? remember God's promises. stand up and speak His Word to every problem. tell those mountains that they might look big, but God is bigger. He is able, He is near, He is good, and He will do great wonders among us.
pray, wait, and watch.
"don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
-isaiah 41:10