Saturday, December 12, 2015

PERFECT PRESENT TRIFECTA: gift ideas for her

happy holidays, yall! tis the season for gifting, right? i love it! giving gifts is one of my favorite things to do!

a few years ago i caught myself subconsciously following a "formula" when finding gifts for my friends and family. this isn't weird; we think use formulas like this all the time! something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue! or how about the tried and true formula for Christmas gifts for the kids: want, need, wear, read. formulas work. and i have found a formula that works for me for gifting the women in my life: my girlfriends, mom, mother-in-law, and the like. i know how hard it can be to come up with the perfect gift for certain people, but using this algorithm (#nerdalert) makes it a little bit easier, a lot of fun, and definitely more intentional. maybe it will work for you? here it is...the method to my gift-giving madness:

something soft +/ something meaningful +/ something practical

depending on my budget, the person, and the occasion, i will gift any combination of those three categories. sometimes, the categories cross over and i can find something soft that is meaningful or something soft that is practical! the combinations are endless*! (*not literally)

if i can find all three types of gifts for one person, i have the PERFECT PRESENT TRIFECTA! joy joy joy! here are some ideas for each category...

soft: dishtowel // scarf // headband // beanie // boot cuffs // tank

journal // 

bracelet // 

necklace //  
earrings  // 
// ornament

using the formula, the perfect present trifecta would be any combination, for example:

 +   +  

yes? yes! love it! 

happy gifting, elves! 