i will be having "the talk" with my kids soon. and if you haven't already, you will be having it with your kids, too. it happens: they grow up. and part of my responsibility as Mom is to have talks with my kids about important life things. it's hard but it's awesome and i am thankful God trusts me with their precious lives.
parenting doesn't come with a handbook, it's true. but thank goodness for the Bible and biblical parenting resources for when i don't know what to say or how to say it. Passport2Purity is going to be my resource for having a certain "talk" with my children. produced by FamilyLife and highly recommended by my mentor mommy friends, Passport2Purity (P2P) is designed to assist parents in building heart-to-heart communication with preteens while laying a foundation of purity.
P2P is a weekend getaway kit for a parent and child to get away and spend time intentionally discussing moral integrity, framed with biblical truths.
the Passport2Purity® Getaway Kit comes with:
i pray my children have a solid faith foundation, a strong relationship with us and with the Lord, and discernment for things they will encounter in the world. spending a weekend with them using P2P's guided conversations and experiences is a memorable, special way to have "the talk"when they're ready. so maybe i'm not ready for them to grow up and be big kids, but i can say now that i am prepared to have these conversations with them!
get the Passport2Purity® Getaway Kit here.
have you used Passport2Purity? how are you preparing for "the talk"?
P2P is a weekend getaway kit for a parent and child to get away and spend time intentionally discussing moral integrity, framed with biblical truths.

the Passport2Purity® Getaway Kit comes with:
- Tour Guide for the parent
- Travel Journal for the preteen including 25 follow-up devotions
- 8 CDs containing 5 sessions
- scripture memory songs
- downloadable MP3s: Session 1: Beginning the Journey – Challenges, Traps, and Choices; Session 2: Running With The Herd – Friendships and Peer Pressure; Session 3: Ready For An Upgrade? – Changes in Him, Changes in Her; Session 4: Destination: Lé Pure – Setting Boundaries; Session 5: Crossing The Date Line – Seeing Dating Differently
i pray my children have a solid faith foundation, a strong relationship with us and with the Lord, and discernment for things they will encounter in the world. spending a weekend with them using P2P's guided conversations and experiences is a memorable, special way to have "the talk"when they're ready. so maybe i'm not ready for them to grow up and be big kids, but i can say now that i am prepared to have these conversations with them!
get the Passport2Purity® Getaway Kit here.
have you used Passport2Purity? how are you preparing for "the talk"?
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
*i was provided with a copy of P2P in exchange for my honest opinion.