// 4 THINGS TO CUT FROM YOUR SCHEDULE BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS instead of a back to school to-do list, Tricia Goyer offers this brilliant back to school not-to-do list. i would be as bold to say consider these four things all year and what can be cut from the calendar. let's guard our time and be more careful with our days.
// CRAZY ENOUGH TO HOMESCHOOL homeschooling families get asked a lot of questions from other families that do not homeschool. i am asked questions # 1, 2, and 7 every single time someone finds out we homeschool. Ann Voskamp's response is beautiful and her reasoning rings true for us in so many ways. this >> "What I love most about the homeschooling lifestyle is that we are all together, in all our glorious mess, day in and day out. We are not time-torn or fragmented. We are gathered. There is no dichotomy between God and secular: we are making a one-piece life. This works for us." and this >> "Just make it part of your real life, make it a joy, make it a discovery, and prayerfully make it consistent."
// HEALTHY, LOVING FRIENDSHIPS i pray my children know what it is to have good friends and to be a good friend. friendships are important to me! and they are important to God. God intended that we learn to love and walk with others. it's not important that we have many friends, but that we have good, true friends in our lives. Lisa Jacobson at Club31Women offers some good ways to help our daughters develop healthy, loving friendships, although i think these tips are good for everyone.
// THE LOST ART OF LEANING IN speaking of friendships, i am blessed with friends in my life who know how and when to lean in, and who are comfortable letting me lean in. and i don't take this for granted. the filing cabinet Michele Cushatt mentions here? i have one and it gets stuffed. i am so thankful for the time i take to lean in with my friends. "nothing can replace the extraordinary beauty of good old fashioned friendship. That sweetness of sharing our in-progress, undone stories with another honest soul wrestling through her own." << i treasure it!
// THIS IS NOT A TEST "I still believe that a song can penetrate a heart. I believe God can use a song to open someone's mind and heart." -TobyMac. his latest album, This is Not a Test, is on repeat around here. especially "Feel It" - we like the dance vibe and lyrics: "Everybody talkin' like they need some proof, but what more do I need than to feel You!" get this music. let God use it to open your heart!
curated for your reading pleasure. click around, comrades!