Jesus, Bread, and Chocolate: Crafting a Handmade Faith in a Mass-Market World by John J. Thompson. i am devouring this docu-memoir. there is something to be said for the correlation between our craving for the simple, organic, artisan, and our desire for pure, unadulterated faith. Thompson is saying it in this book.
"The good stuff - the authentic - in both chocolate and faith is available for those willing to seek it out." -John J. Thompson
It's Not How You Look, It's What You See by Lisa Bevere. i heard Lisa speak at a conference this month and woah nelly, sister can preach. i don't know about the other 300+ women in the room but i felt like Lisa was talking directly to me. so i got this book- Lisa's story of her struggle with self-worth and body image, and her charge to stop measuring ourselves by the world's standards. i can. not. wait. to get into this book.
"You need to know truth with a deeper intimacy and to a greater degree than you've known the lie. You once lived a lie, and it captivated you; if you live the truth, it will liberate you." -Lisa Bevere
Home Sweet Home. this is a new series at my church addressing some hard but necessary issues in the home. the first in the series, "Roles," is an encouraging and challenging message on how to enjoy your marriage, not just endure it. "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." -1 Corinthians 13:11
Why My Kids Won't Get Their Own Instagram Account. i recently heard Craig Gross speak and then i read his investigation into Instagram. yall know i love IG! and i do believe social media can be used for good. but until there are better tools in place to protect my children from accessing (even accidentally) adult content, my kids won't be getting their own Instagram account.
Baby Lips. i'm applying this neutral gloss all day every day, i love it so! Peach Kiss is my color. i never leave home without it.
True Blue Fit Crew tank. represent! true blue fit crew beachbody team!
Hillsong Empires. truth-inspired lyrics + beautiful voices + strong, fun music. Hillsong does it again with their latest album, Empires. have you heard "Touch the Sky"? oooh it's good. gives me chills. want a copy of the CD? leave a comment on the photo of the Empires CD @ my instagram to be entered to win ;) winner announced monday 6/1 on my IG.
i'm linking up my favorites with one of my favorite friends (and fellow True Blue Fit Crew Coach!) Crystal @ Favorite Things Friday!