"in the morning, Lord, You hear my voice. in the morning,
i lay my requests before You and wait in expectation."
psalm 5:3

i am a morning person. i love to wake up while my children are still sound asleep, the house is quiet and shadowy, sunlight just beginning to creep in. i like to drink my coffee slowly and think about the day ahead. what do we have planned? what are my to-do's? what is the weather going to be like, and what should i wear? what is for dinner and are we out of milk?
but first: Jesus. my favorite part of morning is my quiet time with Jesus. there's nothing legalistic or super spiritual about it. it's just me, my coffee, my journal, my bible, and my favorite pens. i quiet my racing thoughts and open my heart in expectation. Lord, i'm here. i'm Yours.
my friend Stef invited me to share my tips for getting quiet time with the Lord. click over to EducatingLaytons.com for a peek into what my quiet time looks like, and ideas for how you can incorporate quiet time into your day.
quiet time is a habit worth cultivating.
my friend Stef invited me to share my tips for getting quiet time with the Lord. click over to EducatingLaytons.com for a peek into what my quiet time looks like, and ideas for how you can incorporate quiet time into your day.
quiet time is a habit worth cultivating.