in just a few weeks, a lot of us will be waking up a little earlier, loading up backpacks and lunch boxes, and starting a new school year with our kids! we homeschool, and back to school time is still an exciting time for us to crack open our new books and begin new grade level material.
this Fall my daughter will start 5th grade! and my son is starting 2nd grade. wow. we have all of the curriculum, empty 3-ring binders, sharpened pencils, and a fresh box of crayons. but there's another "school supply" on my list this year that is less for the classroom and more for their hearts: U-NEEKS.

my kids got their first U-NEEKS this summer (Wally, Trysta May, Indigo and Jazzmine) and it was love at first snuggle. those silly little plush monsters are too cute and have adorably fun personalities.
more importantly, U-NEEKS reminds my children that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and He has a "U-NEEK" plan for their lives.
at school, even homeschool co-op, our children might be faced with peer pressure, anxiety, and a slew of other emotions that they haven't had yet. at home, we prepare them with heart-to-heart talks and cover them in prayer. we want them to go into the "world" confident in Christ and know that they are wonderfully U-NEEK!
here is what Jon and Justin, makers of U-NEEKS, say:
"Because the world can be full of peer pressure to conform and to be like everyone else, kids can sometimes become lost as individuals. Between the ages of 8-13, kids are in a time where they are most impressionable. DaySpring saw the need to stay connected and provide encouragement and affirmation to our children."U-NEEKS are a fun, tangible way for kids to take as a reminder of who they are and Whose they are. there is a whole line of U-NEEKS back-to-school accessories to encourage kids to celebrate everyone's U-NEEK-ness!
these U-NEEKS coupons and encouragement notecards are perfect lunch box notes!
cute bracelets with scripture- one to keep and one to give to a new friend:
what better time to have the conversation with our children that we are all unique than now, when they are going into new places and meeting new people! U-NEEKS make a perfect conversation-starter at home, as well as in the classroom. i want to send my kids off to school knowing without a doubt that they are loved, they are special, and that they were created especially unique by God.

unconventional school supply? maybe. opportunity to press invaluable truths onto my kids' hearts? YES. i am excited about starting the new school year with my "U-NEEK" kids and their U-NEEKS! :)
***right now, get 25% OFF U-NEEKS at DaySpring.com's Customer Appreciation Sale thru 7/18 with code THANKS25
***starting July 28, the U-NEEKS Encouragement Notes for Kids Set is available for FREE with any Back to School Purchase of $25 or more at DaySpring.com with code UNeekENC.
***on July 31 the U-NEEKS set of 24 Stickers will be included in every DaySpring.com Back to School order! no coupon needed. nice!
*this post contains affiliate links. all opinions are truly my own.