it's July! i can safely predict summer 2014 is going to 1) be fun and 2) fly by. Target is already rolling out their school supply section. before we know it, we'll be taking first day of school pictures again. so listen here, summer, i'm going to enjoy every single day of you to the last drop. here are some scenes of our summer so far...

we were all very proud *and relieved* when he finished that last page in his 1st grade math book. naturally, we celebrated with chocolate donuts with sprinkles, his favorite. and that marked the start of summer for me.

swim lessons went great. 35 minutes every day for two weeks i watched them perfect their strokes and dives as i perfected my base tan. :) and then there was VBS at our church, which is super special to me because it's God's loving response to my prayers. we love our church. i am so thankful. we also celebrated a dance recital, a martial arts belt test, yearbook-signing with co-op friends, and Father's Day.

our neighborhood hosts a fun dive-in movie night. the kids love getting to stay up past bedtime and watch a movie on a big screen at the pool. i told my husband i'm going to have to become an afternoon coffee drinker to keep up with these kids and their late night activities!

we ran completely out of fruit by wednesday of the first week of our summer. i realized growing kids + long summer days = hungry kids. so i'm buying more fruit and snacks and serving PB&Js almost daily.

when they're not building forts or playing Legos, they're swimming. poolside is also a nice place to read a book or have a sister-brother heart-to-heart. :)
suddenly, it was time for the neighborhood's annual 4th of July bike parade and festival, and time to scout out a spot to watch fireworks. more fun. more memories.
i'm so glad i keep my camera handy to capture scenes from our summer. lots of fun days ahead, too. summer is busy in the best of ways!
that's what's been going on around here lately! happy summer!