the kids were helping us carry our boxes of Christmas decorations into the house from the garage. as my husband brought them down from the attic, they would speculate what was in each box as they took them inside. there is one box in the bunch that is clear plastic and see-through, and i always want to remember my son's reaction to that box... it's the box that stores our Fontanini Nativity scene: the manger, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.
our 5-year-old boy spotted that particular box before anyone else had a chance to see it, and his reaction was priceless. he jumped up into the air, pumping his arms high above his head like he was cheering at a football game. "YES!" he shouted loud, "I LOVE THAT THING! THIS IS AWESOME!"
it warmed my heart, i laughed and welled up with tears. the Nativity scene. he loves it. it is awesome. all the other boxes with their ornaments, tinsel, garland, and even the animated reindeer don't even compare to what's in this box. it's the Christmas story. i pray he always reacts with such joy to the birth of Jesus.
i knew my kids would love The Nativity Story, a new app from PuddleTap.

kids can choose to read the story page by page by themselves, or for it to be narrated by what sounds like a charming grandpa. they tap and swipe to turn pages and unveil the story of Joseph and Mary. where will baby Jesus be born? at the market? at a restaurant? at the inn? along the way they encounter local people and animals, who all play a part in this wonderful story. they can tap to play music, knock on doors, open windows, and make the characters talk. the voices are friendly and realistic, and the animation is beautifully done.
The Nativity Story app is $3.99 for iPad and $1.99 for iPhone. download here: https://itunes.apple.com/app/nativity-story-popup-deluxe/id579941573 (my children are 5 and 8, and they both enjoy The Nativity Story app. the developers say it's great for kids 2-10.)
The Nativity Story app is sweet and timely, a great way to share the original Christmas story and remember what Christmas is all about. whether it's told from the Bible, from a children's book, or from an app, i pray the story continues to inspire reactions of complete delight.

*i was provided with a free version of the app for the purpose of this review.