we don't pretend he's the one bringing them Christmas presents. we don't threaten them to be good because Santa's watching. we are good sports about it, and we wave hello to mall Santas, but we don't give him any credit. Christmas is all about Jesus in our home. and believe me, my kids (ages 7 and 4) aren't missing out on anything. my kids love Christmas just as much as the next child does.
...except maybe that child who's Mom is an Elf on the Shelf superstar.
you know what i'm talking about: that Mom who comes up with amazingly hilarious and creative poses and positions for her family's Elf every day in December, giving her children a thrill each morning when they find the Elf's Pin-worthy antics?
oh, it all looks like so much fun. i really am a Fun Mom. but that Elf on the Shelf business is completely focused on naughty and nice, Santa's list (of good children and bad children?), and gift-getting. not our M.O.
so, not to be out-did as a Fun Mom, i made up my own non-Santa version of elf on the shelf.
i am pleased to introduce you to Mary, our Advent Angel:

Mary, as named by the children, hides in a silly place every night. in the morning, the kids find her and read the letter that she carries in her arms. the letter tells the children their Advent activity and devotional for the day, from Truth in the Tinsel. yep, Mary knows Amanda.

the Angel arrived gift-wrapped on our front porch on the evening of December 1, with a letter explaining her mission: to celebrate the coming of Christ and keep Him the focus of Christmas through fun activities, crafts, and Bible stories.

when they find her, we read her handwritten letter, read the day's Bible verse(s), and make the accompanying Advent ornament or craft. Mary helps us intentionally keep Christ in Christmas.

my kids love Christmas.
we don't do Santa or Elf on the Shelf, and yet, i am racking up the Fun Mom points ;)
i have a feeling Mary the Advent Angel, our elf on the shelf alternative, is going to be a beloved Christmastime tradition for our family for years to come.
it's not too late to start Advent activities! get the Truth in the Tinsel eBook and start today!