18 days doesn't sound like a long time. but trust me, 18 days can feel like a v e r y long time when your family of four + two big dogs are living in a hotel room. in a new town. where you don't know where anything is. and you don't know anyone.
on our first day here, i spent the day in bed crying, homesick, lonely, while the kids busied themselves exploring every inch of our 850-square-foot suite.
on day two, i woke up with renewed energy, and, seriously, a joy that can only be explained as God-sent. and honestly, i was angry with myself for wasting a day in sadness. 18 days is a long time and 850 square feet isn't much, but i am t h a n k f u l. we are here, we are together, we are healthy, we have a roof over our heads, and God loves us. this is part of our story! this is the way to our destination!
this is where God has us, and i don't believe it's coincidence that we're here during the Thanksgiving season.
i am thankful, Lord. i have determined in my heart to make the most of these 18 days of temporary living conditions.
for 18 days, we're living the suite life!
horsing around in the hotel room:

homeschooling in the hotel room:

navigating the hotel:

chores at the hotel:

comforts of home in the hotel room:

making the hotel room smell good:

making hotel room pretty with natural light + blooming orchid:

decorating the hotel room with a housewarming gift:

while we're still counting down the days until we can move into our new house, we're making the most of our temporary living space...all 850 square feet of it.
God is great—well worth praising!
...Splendor and majesty flow out of Him,
strength and joy fill His place.