whew! what a mega-fun whirlwind birthday weekend! i went all kinds of crazy eating sugar and gluten and didn't count a single calorie. my brother's girlfriend {a professional chef} made the most delicious pumpkin cupcakes that i've ever tasted in my 33 years, and my sweet friend who lives across the street made melt-in-your-mouth fudge brownies that i couldn't resist. between my birthday, the State Fair of Texas {God Bless Big Tex}, and having family in town {extra mouths to feed}, we ate
good. it was great, but i am definitely ready to get back to normal sleeping, normal schedules, and most of all,
normal eating.
our new normal is gluten-free and sugar-free.
here is this week's menu:
h- waffles, eggs, bacon
f- leftovers
have a great week & make the most of dinnertime!