hello saturday! depending on the weather, i'm either with my family picking a plump pumpkin from a hay-covered field somewhere, or curled up on the couch with a hot cup of tea. saturdays are for saying yes to those kinds of things.
this week i collected some treasures to share with you...

Slowly Falling in Love with Science - how teaching science grows faith.
31 Days of Family Ties - 31 really simple & inspiring family-strengthening ideas. one of my favorites in the #31Days series that is going on right now.
Parenting from the Overflow - this encouraging book by my friend Teri Lynne Underwood provides encouragement and devotions for living in the abundance God has for each of us as parents. a must-have read for all moms, for only $5.
Reclaiming the Family - where we're encouraged to unplug and put the focus back onto our families. get the free printable list of prompts and reclaim the family.
Truth in the Tinsel - it's time to start thinking about Christmas and the Advent season! grab your copy of Truth in the Tinsel, our favorite resource for children's Advent activities. use discount code MAMAHALL for 20% off.
speaking of Christmas...Dayspring is having a HUGE sale right now, i'm sure you've heard. gifts from Dayspring are always well-received, and with discounts like these i can maybe get a little gift for myself, too!
last but not least, if you have a daughter in the ~7-14 age range who likes to read chapter books, i have to recommend Life with Lily
, the first in the new Adventures of Lily Lapp series. my daughter joyfully devoured this book, and still talks about Lily like she's a long-distant friend. Lily is a sweet Amish girl and her adventures are based on the true childhood of Mary Ann Kinsinger, who is co-authoring the series with beloved Amish novelist Suzanne Woods Fisher. the website has free printables and interactive games, too! Life with Lily
is now available at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
have a beautiful weekend!
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