'tis the season for pumpkins on porches! i love it. i love collecting these gorgeous gourds - all shapes and sizes - throughout October and November. pumpkins make me smile! such a simple Fall-time pleasure.
thank You, Lord, for creating pumpkins.
a few weeks ago i took the kids to the pumpkin patch, the first of many we'll visit this season. while there, i was inspired with an idea for a new Fall tradition for our family. i put the idea into motion immediately. it all happened so fast - it was very spontaneous! thrilling! and, at the risk of outing us to the friends that were involved, i want to share with you our new Fall tradition because it was so much fun and i know we'll look forward to it year after year!

we named our new tradition "Pumpkins on Porches," and here's what we did...
first, we bought a bunch of big fat pumpkins
next we tied the tags onto the pumpkin stems with twine

and then we giggled and smiled and giggled some more, imagining our friends' sheer joy of finding a gifted pumpkin on their front porches.
here is a free printable of the cute little note so you can tie them onto pumpkin stems and deliver them anonymously to your unsuspecting friends! happy fall 'yall!
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.