Monday, June 04, 2012

a summer detox (that has nothing to do with food)

i heard that (Mark 8:34) in church a few weeks ago, and it has resonated with me since. you know how badly i want to be a light in this world, and you know how much i want to love like Jesus loves. the other thing i want? to be emptied of the love of self. it's not an easy thing to admit that you even have love of self. but let's face it, i am human and i struggle with selfish desires. and even though i feel like {most of the time} i'm on the right path, it's time i enter the narrow gate

Jesus wants me to live a life that puts Him and His children first, and me and my needs second. it's a growing-up and upside-down way of life. a life that isn't about me and my needs and my greatness, but one that is all about Jesus' greatness. there are only a handful of people in my life that i know live like this right now; people that glow light, obedience, selflessness, and unconditional love. i want to live like that.

so i have unofficially signed myself (and my family, by association) up for a summer detox. a self-cleanse. it started with prayer. i quiet my soul, and surrender.

my "summer detox" support groups:     
One Amazing Summer: Read the Bible in 90 Days this book never gets old, and His promises are forever.
#B90Days #OneAmazingSummer

The Summer of 7: Mutiny Against Excess because less of me means less of stuff. giving, not getting. 

Lord, lead me.

"But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul." 
Joshua 22:5