to nurture our love for singing to and about our Lord, i stock up on all the praise and worship music i can get my hands on. this new CD is rocking our socks off: Yancy and Friends Little Praise Party- Happy Day Everyday.
Little Praise Party- Happy Day Everyday is a new collection of singalongs and songs for children (and grown-ups, too.) there are songs for celebrating some of the most special days of the year including Valentine's, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and birthdays, plus, a song to sing "bye bye bye" to fear, and a song to encourage us to "go into all the world."
Yancy has a beautiful message and special talent for getting God's Word into kids' hearts through her music. my son, who is almost 4, naturally learns a lot about Jesus and the Bible through praise and worship songs. the more we sing about God, the deeper the message sinks in to our minds and hearts.
even though it's typically a song reserved for Christmastime, i like listening to Away in A Manger year-round because it tells about the birth of our Savior, which is worthy of celebrating every day.
even though it's typically a song reserved for Christmastime, i like listening to Away in A Manger year-round because it tells about the birth of our Savior, which is worthy of celebrating every day.
as part of the Blog Tour hosted by our mutual friend, Amanda at, Yancy offered to sing Away in A Manger, one of the 16 songs featured on the Little Praise Party- Happy Day Everyday CD, JUST. FOR. YOU. HERE! it's like a private concert! and can i just say, i love Yancy's voice...listen to the way she says my name! :)
it's beautiful. worth singing year-round. (and her additional bridge? lovely.)
Little Praise Party- Happy Day Everyday CD includes:
Brand New Day
Shout!, Go!, Love One Another
Hosanna Rock
One, Two, Three
The Springtime Song
The Dog Song
Happy Birthday To You
Bye, Bye, Bye
I Like To
Don't Be A Turkey
God Is Good To Me
Away In A Manger
It's Christmastime
and Love One Another (Lullaby Mix)

Little Praise Party- Happy Day Everyday has a companion DVD of 11 animated music videos to encourage sing-along fun for your own little Praise and Worship Junior Leaders!

here is your chance to win Yancy’s new Little Praise Party- Happy Day Everday CD and DVD! you should go ahead and buy one from her site (use code YANCYLOVESME for free shipping!), and if you win, you'll have an extra to give to a friend! let's grow little praise and worship leaders! to enter to win, leave a comment with which song from the CD you'd especially like to hear. (include your e-mail address, free shipping code applies to US only, giveaway closes 5/12)
make sure to follow the rest of Yancy's 12-day blog tour at these fabulous blogs:
Wednesday May 2: God Centered Mom
Thursday May 3: Homeschool Creations
Friday May 4: ModSquad
Saturday May 5: When You Rise
Sunday May 6: 4tunate
Monday May 7: Inspired To Action
Tuesday May 8: Home With the Boys
Wednesday May 9: 1+1+1=1
Thursday May 10: Muthering Heights
Friday May 11: MOB Society
Saturday May 12: I Can Teach My Child
thanks, yall! happy praising!
Sing a new song to the Lord.
All you people of the earth, sing to the Lord.
Sing to the Lord! Praise him!
Day after day tell about how he saves us.
Tell the nations about his glory!
Tell all people about the wonderful things he has done!
The Lord is great. He is really worthy of praise!
Psalm 96:1-4 NIRV