But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord's praise,
for he has been good to me.
Psalm 13:5-6
1296. Saturday morning at home
1297. half-way home stop at Starbucks1298. purple flowers and just-mowed lawn
1299. Costco membership
1300. a friend sharing her fresh carrot, cucumber, spinach, kale juice
1301. cupcake in a mug recipe
1302. each 86,400 second of every day
1304. "this is all part of God's plan"
1305. at the bookstore with friends browsing bible studies
1306. Chia seeds
1307. an apology, a hug, and forgiveness
1308. meeting another homeschool mom at the park
1309. chocolate malts and 50's-inspired diners
1310. the promise of life and life abundantly
1311. my husband's discernment
1312. symbolism in The Lorax, family conversations after the movie
1313. Palm Sunday, a triumphal entry of Zion's coming King
1314. springtime in Texas
1315. inside jokes with my man
1316. helping hands and family teamwork when we have showings
1317. being the one to witness my children reading and writing their first words
1318. stinky slobbery sweet doggy kisses
happily change everything by keeping your own crazy list of One Thousand Gifts