With all my heart I will praise You, O Lord my God.
I will give glory to Your name forever,
for Your love for me is very great.
You have rescued me from the depths...
Psalm 86:12-13 NLT
1267. my children spinning in swings
1268. Grandma's Dump Cake
1269. witnessing love vows
1270. rescued from the depths of my fear
1271. Starbucks coffee served to me in bed Saturday morning at the Warwick Melrose Dallas
1272. my husband in his suit and tie
1273. Target clearance
1274. afternoon snuggles
1275. handsome Bubba in a tuxedo
1276. beautiful Big Girl giddy to toss the rose petals
1278. dancing with my man again to our song
1279. cloud counting
1280. a family walk
1281. another showing
1282. playtime, dinner, dessert, and laughs with our neighbor friends
1283. a lesson in praising in the midnight hour
1284. and the strength to continue doing so
1285. expecting a "suddenly" and an "immediately"
1286. because God is up to something
1287. perseverance in the "crunch time"
1288. desire to give God the glory in all things
1289. bags full of outgrown clothes and the joy of passing them along
1290. little bouquets of purple mums in mason jars
1291. vintage mail chute
1292. catching soccer sign-ups just in time
1293. bees in our evergreens just doing their job
1294. "Mom" written on my Starbucks cup by the Barista
1295. Sunday school teacher's complimenting my children
with all my heart, thanks be to God for all things….
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