Friday, March 30, 2012

around here lately: most beautiful sounds

i've been loving the beautiful sounds around here lately. 

we went to the park while a realtor was showing our house. some of our friends went with us and it turned out to be one of the highlights of our week. the kids were pretending sticks in the pond were alligators. Big Girl and her friend counted caterpillars and butterflies. my favorite part was pushing Bubba on the swing. i know it won't be long before his legs get to pumping and he won't ask me for pushes.

it's been warm this week. Hubby turned on the lawn sprinklers one afternoon and the kids couldn't resist sticking their hands and feet in the water. before i knew it, we were with our neighbors in their backyard, kids in bathing suits, playing in a homemade splash pad. it was wonderful. we will be moving soon, God willing, and i am so thankful for this time with our neighbor-friends.

i have always said Big Girl would make a great entomologist. this is probably her favorite time of year because of all the bugs that are out and about. we played outside with friends at a coffee shop one morning this week, where she collected dozens of roly-polys and made a habitat for them on the Lego bucket. she fills bottle caps with water for them to drink, and makes sure to put lots of grass for them to eat. she names them all, too. look at that smile. pure joy.

i love to see that look on Bubba's face. it's his "i am happy, this is fun, i'm in my element, and i could do this all day, thanks so much, Mom" face. so i might need headphones, but watching him banging it out at drum lessons is, yes, a beautiful sound.

and that's what's been going on around here lately.
i pray i'm able to hear the beautiful sounds in every day, regardless of the noise level.

how was your week?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

the power of prayer

something beautiful happens when we spend time in prayer: God shows up.
something powerful happens when we pray for the needs of others: God shows up.
something extraordinary happens when we ask for others to pray for us: God shows up.     

there is no denying the power of prayer.

i have spent every Tuesday morning for the past 8 months meeting with friends to read God's Word and pray together. over coffee, and in between "mom talk," we study scripture in depth and discuss God's character at length. chapter by chapter, verse by verse, we dissect words and apply truths to today. and when we've reached the end of the week's chapter, we open our hearts to one another. we confide in each other, revealing our hurts, struggles, or concerns. we share intimate details of our lives. it might be painful or embarrassing, but we put aside our pride and let down our guards. in these last few moments of every Tuesday morning, we get real and ask for prayers.

on the days in between our Tuesday mornings, i remember my sisters and their heart's cries. i pray to God on their behalf, thanking Jesus for His love, and expecting Him to move in their situations. i release it all to the heavens, turning it all over to God. i trust that the next time i see my friends on Tuesday morning, we'll praise God for the works He did in our lives. an overwhelming sense of power and peace washes over me. is it because i'm praying for my sisters? or is it because my sisters are praying for me? 

it happens when i check in on Twitter or Facebook, see a prayer request, and get to praying. it happens when i send my own prayers out to friends near and far. it happens when i text my friend Stef urgently and, faithfully, her reply comes buzzing back right away. it happens when a song comes on the radio and reminds me to pray then and there: a powerful, undeniable wave of comfort and peace. our prayers stir up the heavens and God gets to doing what He does.  

prayers are powerful. this power in Christ and indescribable, unshakable peace comes from asking for prayer and from praying for others. when we ask for prayer and pray for others, two or more are gathered in His name and God shows up in our midst. 

(yes, please.)

how can i pray for you?      

Pray for one another so that you might be healed. 
The prayer of a godly person is powerful. It makes things happen. 
James 5:16

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, 
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 
Philippians 4:6

You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it! 
John 14:13-14

Saturday, March 24, 2012

you're already amazing

hi there, friend,
i'm glad you're here.
there's something i've been wanting to tell you.
there's something i need you to know.

you, yes you, are already amazing. please know that. know it in your heart and know it in your spirit. remember it on rainy days, when skies are grey, when times are tough, when you're tired of trying, and when you feel weak.

i'm telling you this because i know you're a lot like me, and i know that i needed to know this. 


when this book landed in my hands, i was feeling far from amazing. and the road to get to amazing looked long and treacherous. rainy days and grey skies set me back, further away from amazing. tough times and my own weakness prevented me from seeing anything amazing in myself. and even when amazing was in sight, i was just tired of trying.  

but this book...this truth...

"you're already amazing."

...helped me understand that i do not need to do more, be more, or have more, because i am already amazing just the way God created me to be.

and so are you.

Holley Gerth - You're Already Amazing image 

i read this book and had a virtual heart-to-heart with author Holley Gerth, where she reminded me of who i am and whose i am. she helped me remember that i was created for purpose in this life - right here, right now.

You're Already Amazing is on sale right now for $9 at in fact, all regular priced items in the Heart to Heart with Holley Collection are 25% off with coupon code HOLLEYG25. (valid through 3/31/12)

friends, i strongly encourage you to invest in your amazing self. read this book and believe what God believes about you. "take hold of who you are and what you're called to do...God's got bigger plans for your life than you've even imagined!" take the dare.....embrace the who you are! AMAZING!

full disclosure: i was provided with a copy of this book from Revell (a division of Baker Publishing Group) to share with you here. as always, all opinions are 100% my own.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Around Here Lately {Story Cubes}

a few weeks ago i found Rory's Story Cubes at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History gift shop. i had never seen them before and thought they looked really fun. i like adding new and creative accessories to our homeschool repertoire every now and then! and when i saw Rory's Story Cubes, i just knew we had to have them to incorporate in our lessons somehow.
Rory's Story Cubes are 9 dice-sized cubes, each with little pictures on all sides. the object is to roll the cubes, put them together how they land, using your imagination to come up with a story. so maybe the cubes land with pictures of a parachute, a smiley face, an arrow, a fish, a sunshine, a castle, a question mark, a tree, and a clock. it's really a fun idea, and there are many other ways of using the cubes.

Big Girl (7), my creative writer and storyteller, comes up with really silly stories from using the cubes. sometimes, i will give her the box of cubes and just let her go for it. other times, i give her more structure and guidelines with the cubes. for instance, i'll tell her to use the cubes to tell the story of a true or historic event. or i'll have her use the cubes as they land to write a story in letter format.

Bubba (3) has been using the Story Cubes, too!

he has a lot of fun identifying the pictures on the cubes and trying to make a story from them. but then i got a little creative and had him match the picture with it's beginning letter:


we're just getting started - i'm sure there are many other ways we can utilize these little cubes in our homeschooling. Rory's Story Cubes is working for us!

they are about $7 on, which is half the price i paid in the store. (doh!) if you're looking for something new and fun to add to your homeschool bookshelf, i recommend Rory's Story Cubes!

by the way, this is not a sponsored post. just me, sharing what we are currently loving in our homeschooling!  

The Homeschool Mother's Journal  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

yes i will wait

Dear God... Please no more lessons in patience
we are in a season of waiting again. waiting for the house to sell. waiting to pick up our lives and move. waiting for Jeff to finish school. waiting. patiently waiting, and completely trusting God's perfect timing. we are making the most of it, this season of waiting. patience, after all, is a fruit of the spirit.

so it was perfect when i heard this song. i nearly fell to my knees the first time i heard it; my heart full of gratitude. even as we wait, as the days go by, i am thankful and hopeful because i know God has a good plan for our future. and while i'm waiting, i will faithfully and obediently serve and worship Him. as long as it takes, i will wait.   

I'm waiting 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
And I am hopeful 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
Though it is painful 
But patiently, I will wait 

I will move ahead, bold and confident 
Taking every step in obedience 
While I'm waiting 
I will serve You 
While I'm waiting 
I will worship 
While I'm waiting 
I will not faint 
I'll be running the race 
Even while I wait 

I'm waiting 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
And I am peaceful 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
Though it's not easy 
But faithfully, I will wait 
Yes, I will wait 
While I'm Waiting, John Waller

i don't know if you, too, are in a season of waiting. maybe you're waiting for a dream to come true, an answer from someone, results from something, or for a big decision to be made. be encouraged, my friend...God knows. He wants you to trust Him, serve Him, and worship Him while you're waiting. take hold of the promise that God has your life perfectly planned and this waiting is only for a season. find joy in every day that you wait. 

when you get a moment, listen to the song that plays on repeat in my heart during my season of waiting: 

John Waller - While I'm Waiting (Official Music Video) from Provident Label Group on Vimeo.

We are full of joy even when we suffer. We know that our suffering gives us the strength to go on. The strength to go on produces character. Character produces hope. And hope will never let us down. God has poured his love into our hearts. He did it through the Holy Spirit, whom he has given to us. 
 Romans 5:3-5

Lord, we are living the way your laws command us to live. 
We are waiting for you to act. 
 Isaiah 26:8


Monday, March 19, 2012

with all my heart

With all my heart I will praise You, O Lord my God. 
I will give glory to Your name forever, 
for Your love for me is very great. 
You have rescued me from the depths...
Psalm 86:12-13 NLT

1267. my children spinning in swings
1268. Grandma's Dump Cake
1269. witnessing love vows
1270. rescued from the depths of my fear
1271. Starbucks coffee served to me in bed Saturday morning at the Warwick Melrose Dallas
1272. my husband in his suit and tie
1273. Target clearance
1274. afternoon snuggles
1275. handsome Bubba in a tuxedo  
1276. beautiful Big Girl giddy to toss the rose petals
1278. dancing with my man again to our song
1279. cloud counting
1280. a family walk
1281. another showing
1282. playtime, dinner, dessert, and laughs with our neighbor friends
1283. a lesson in praising in the midnight hour
1284. and the strength to continue doing so
1285. expecting a "suddenly" and an "immediately"
1286. because God is up to something
1287. perseverance in the "crunch time"
1288. desire to give God the glory in all things
1289. bags full of outgrown clothes and the joy of passing them along
1290. little bouquets of purple mums in mason jars
1291. vintage mail chute
1292. catching soccer sign-ups just in time
1293. bees in our evergreens just doing their job
1294. "Mom" written on my Starbucks cup by the Barista
1295. Sunday school teacher's complimenting my children

with all my heart, thanks be to God for all things….
happily change everything by keeping your own crazy list of One Thousand Gifts

Friday, March 16, 2012

my go-to meaningful wedding gift

it's Springtime and love is in the air! we have been invited to a few weddings this Spring. after i send in our RSVP cards and find something to wear, it's time to pick out a gift for the Bride- and Groom-to-be.  

shopping their registry is the obvious choice. i could get them a set of mixing bowls, the can opener gadget thingy, or big fluffy bath sheets. but i want to give something a little bit personal...something meaningful. and when i look back on my own wedding day, the gift that meant the most to me was a single rose

presented to us by my Mom; she read this poem aloud at our reception:

 the Justice of the Peace that conducted my Mom and Dad's wedding ceremony gave them a single rose with the poem, and now their bouquet is more than 2 dozen roses strong. then they gave it to us, and we continue the tradition, gifting single red roses with a poem at weddings of family and friends. each year on our anniversary, we marvel at how big our own bouquet has grown.

isn't it beautiful? 10 roses!
another go-to meaningful wedding gift that i like to give: my favorite marriage-strengthening books.

having read them myself, i think these three books are perfect for a couple just starting their life together as husband and wife. (or any couple, for that matter)

the sentimental rose with poem, wrapped up with some of my favorite marriage-strengthening books are my go-to meaningful wedding gifts.  *PS: Sarah if you're reading this, act surprised when you open the gift from the Halls. thanks.

what about you? going to any weddings this Spring? what's your go-to wedding gift? are you a straight-off-the-registry shopper or do you like to gift something personal?     


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

car school (literally learning on the go)

learning on the go is a big part of our homeschool "method." i'm a firm believer in taking every opportunity to teach. and who says you have to be sitting at a desk to practice phonetic sounds and sight words?

Bubba (age 3) has no choice but to practice spelling when he's strapped in his Britax on the way to the grocery store.  

a list of words (written in red) taped to the back of the car seat, and we have Car School.

car school works for me.

Monday, March 12, 2012

rain showers fall

raindrop leaf by jonimcp, on Pix-O-Sphere

"Remember to thank him for what he's done. 
People have praised him with their songs. 
Every human being has seen his work. 
People can see it from far away. 
How great God is! We'll never completely understand him. 
We'll never find out how long he has lived. 
He makes mist rise from the water. 
Then it falls as rain into the streams. 
The clouds pour down their moisture. 
Rain showers fall on people everywhere."

1226. releasing fears
1227. banana muffins
1228. bright and flowery cupcake liners
1229. peace and warmth under the hairdryer
1230. my sweet girl in the same salon chair Mommy sits in
1231. my funny little guy mimicking his Daddy
1232. surprising them with "will you please sleep in my bed tonight?"
1233. first cup of coffee on Sunday mornings
1234. house hunting with hubby
1235. crayon scribbled notes for baby Joel
1236. a weekend family getaway
1237. spring days that feel like summer
1238. bike rides at the park
1239. 2 for $1 kites
1240. little friends to play with in our neighborhood
1241. spontaneous Chili's dinner with a friend
1242. my daughter's bedtime prayers
1243. treasure hunting at Half-Price Books
1244. our backyard playground
1245. our musical family
1246. "mark all as read"
1247. those end of day hugs that make it all better
1248. Joshua 1:9
1249. toy boats
1250. smiley face on a water tower
1251. spring's first bluebonnets
1252. arriving at a {nicer} hotel safely
1253. rain lifted for our road trip
1254. small town roadside shops
1255. six times crossing the Colorado River
1256. Texas hill country
1257. burly old oak trees
1258. my kids curling up cozy with Papa
1259. white sand between my toes
1260. quality time with my parents, brothers, and sisters, cousins, nieces, and nephews
1261. our room at the best B&B on the Gulf Coast
1262. my Savior who's power over me is greater than the powers against me
1263. my husband's smile and sense of humor
1264. Bubba's chubby little feet in flip flops
1265. BigGirl's sand angels
1266. "please pray 4 rain" handwritten on a farmer's fence, soaked from 3 days of rain showers

Friday, March 09, 2012

today is your best day! {giveaway}

you all know me, and you know i am all about making the most of it. it's no secret that i like to start my day off right and make every day matter. so you can imagine how thrilled i was to get this little book in my mailbox last week!

Today is Your Best Day. yes! i believe it is, no matter what, because God is on my side and in my heart!

Today is Your Best Day is a 60-day devotional by best-selling author and co-founder of DaySpring, Roy Lessin. each page offers encouragement for starting your day by focusing your thoughts on your relationship with God through Christ Jesus.

Today Is Your Best Day

i dove right into this book, starting with the amazingly inspirational story in the forward by Linda Knorr.  if she could take God's word and believe today is her best day, then i can, too. you can preview the forward and table of contents here 

every morning i see the book on my bathroom counter and i open to the day's devotional, proclaiming in my spirit "today is my best day." i read just a few pages a day of uplifting truths and promises straight from the Word of God, and i am able to take hold of the joy God promises for me today.  

see the video preview of the book here:

i am encouraged and ready to take on this, my best day! because Christ is in me. because of God’s presence. because of Jesus’ name. because of the Cross. 

Today is Your Best Day is a devotional that can be read again and again, and would also make a great gift.

get your hands on this book and discover God's best for you. join us at the next #TeachtheTruth Twitter Party for a chance to win Today is Your Best Day!

Thursday, March 22
8pm CST
follow @MasterBooks4U and @MamaHall
use the hashtag #teachthetruth
and you could win a copy of this awesome devotional!

full disclosure: i was provided with a copy of the book to review, to share with my readers here, and at the Twitter party. all opinions are honestly my own.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

God called me out {free printable}

we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. all of us are like sheep and have wandered away from our Shepherd.

but wait. even still, God demonstrated His love for us in this: while we were still sinners, God sent His one and only son Jesus to die for us. (Romans 3:23, 5:8)

God chose YOU (me!) to be His people! we belong to God! He called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. for this- God's love, grace, favor, faithfulness!- He is far worthy of our praises and thanksgiving.

God called me out. i remember the darkness, and i pray i never forget how He always brings me through to His wonderful light.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

for you...a simple, pretty, free printable to remind you that God called you out...

simply click here to get the free printable: Called Me Out

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

remove permanent marks from a dry-erase board

i accidentally wrote on our beloved dry erase board with a permanent marker. OOPS! when i realized my mistake, i may have panicked a little bit. and literally kicked myself. we use this thing daily for homeschool lessons.

and then i remembered a trick someone somewhere sometime taught me, although i still have no recollection of who when or where. thank God my memory bank saved the important information!

1. using a DRY ERASE marker, mark directly over the PERMANENT marks, like so:

(that was a partial PERMANENT sunshine and i am scribbling over it with a DRY ERASE marker)

2. wipe clean with a dry paper towel. you might have to put some muscle in it...wipe with force. the PERMANENT marker will magically erase with the DRY ERASE markings! 

here is a quick little vid of the process:

open the video here: 

after i got all the PERMANENT marker off of my whiteboard, i dabbed Goo Gone on a dry paper towel and wiped the entire board to remove any residue. good as new!

one note: the unfortunate PERMANENT marker incident and magical DRY ERASE marker erase method occurred within minutes of one another. i don't know if this would work for permanent marker that has been on a dry erase board for any extended length of time. it's worth a try, though!

and that, my friends, is how to clean PERMANENT marker from a DRY ERASE board!