"thanks is what multiplies the joy and makes any life large."
-Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts
i am thankful for this that multiplies my joy and makes my life large...
1166. sweet words and encouraging blog comments
1167. lunch with blog friends-turned-sisters
1168. my technically able husband
1169. sunshine through the dark rain clouds
1170. a song God sent through the airwaves just for me, just in time
1171. the wisdom and strength to tell the devil to shut up
1172. treating myself to a guilt-free chocolaty Frappuccino with whipped cream
1173. all four of us at the dinner table
1174. being among family and friends of a little one celebrating her 2nd birthday
1175. little love notes hidden around the house
1176. Bubba sounding out words
1177. Big Girl's beautiful uninhibited singing
1178. Cutie oranges
1179. our founding fathers and their prayers for this country
1180. unexpected conversation and giggling like school girls
1181. claiming Psalm 34:7 while driving in the rain, knuckles white
1182. needing a size smaller
1183. a shiny pink gift card from hubby
1184. handmade Valentine's
1185. heart-shaped grilled cheese sandwiches
1186. rain for thirsty plants
1187. an outpouring of support for Mamas Write
1188. friends at church who don't know our names but pray for us anyway
1189. guest pastors who bring it
1190. the ability to correct emotions with truth
1191. mud-stained pant knees
1192. big teeth growing in, pushing out baby teeth
1193. obedient children
1194. silly shaped pancakes
1195. healthy eaters
1196. discounted (but quality) gasoline
1197. car-schooling when necessary
1198. my mason jars temporary homes for worms and snails
1199. rocks in my dryer
1200. knowing where the line is, and how to avoid crossing it
1201. early spring weather
1202. #momheart encouragement via twitter stream
May all who search for you
be filled with joy and gladness in you.
May those who love your salvation
repeatedly shout, "God is great!"