Valentine's Day was super sweet.
even homeschoolers get Valentine treat bags, candy, and make glittery paper hearts!
my beautiful Valentine girl
look at my handsome Bubba!
the kids were surprised with a special tour of a Mansfield Fire Department truck with playgroup friends {we're so social}

these are the treats i shared with the moms in the local ECPTA where i spoke on "Creating Love Moments with your Children"
a Valentine's Day gift from my daughter- these paper cupcakes in bowls for my new DaySpring 3-tiered server! how thoughtful!
i made them heart-shaped grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. hubs and i had sushi. we had Ghirardelli fudge brownies and vanilla ice cream for dessert. we curled up in our jammies and watched Kung Fu Panda 2.
this is one of my favorite songs about how much Jesus loves us...on Valentine's Day and always...
can you feel the love??
click here to open the David Crowder Band music video in your browser:
to hear and/or download the song (no video) click here:
and that's a little snippet of what's been going on around here lately.
have a super weekend, friends!