i am having so much fun seeking out ways to shop small this Christmas. being creative in where i shop is definitely forcing me to put more thought into gift-giving. i am excited about the small and local businesses that i've discovered!
another idea for supporting small this Christmas is to think prints: photographs, e-books, and printables! there are a lot of small businesses that make printed products that you could gift quickly and affordably. do your printing at home or have your printing done by a locally owned copy and print shop.
we like to have our family pictures taken professionally every year in the fall or wintertime by a local photographer. this year, Casey from Ellie Layne Images took our pictures, and i LOVE them! she did fantastic!

this is what was happening in between the posed shots |
now, i can print the photo, put it in a nice frame (from a local shop) and wha-la! a gift Granny and Grandma will adore! consider giving your business to a smaller, local photographer instead of a commercial/retail photo studio. it's sure to be a fun experience!
e-books are the hot new thing. while the author may not get a lot of money from each sale, purchasing an e-book could contribute to the seller's goal of increasing their site traffic which, in turn produces income, if that is how it is set up. other authors sell their e-books to reach a smaller financial goal or to raise money for a greater cause. whatever the case, you could probably find an e-book on just about any topic for any recipient on your Christmas list. just print it out, staple together, tie a ribbon around it, and the e-book makes a thoughtful and unique gift. there are SO MANY good ones out there...but some of my favorites are...
Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys by Brooke L. McGlothlin - i love this e-book and think any mom who has a son would, too. it's only 99 cents right now!
Savoring Living Water by Katie Orr and Laura Williams - "how to have an effective quiet time" - beautiful, practical, tips for making the most of your QT with JC. in printable, Nook, and Kindle versions for $5.49 and also available hardbound for $10. $2 of every sale of this book is donated to One Verse. what a sweet gift idea.
Christmas Recipes from Lynn's Kitchen Adventures -this book is 54 pages of Lynn's favorite and most popular easy Christmas recipes that contain regular everyday ingredients. i get a lot of my recipes from Lynn's Kitchen Adventures, so i completely trust that this e-book is full of awesome recipes. it is FREE when you subscribe to her blog! what a fun gift idea!
31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae "Having a Martha House the Mary Way" -and to be clear, that's Martha as in Bible Martha not Martha Stewart. this book is perfect for the start of the year as it offers practical daily challenges for cleaning your home. but even better, each day there is also a challenge for spiritual cleansing of the heart, and a reminder of why housekeeping is important and how it honors the Lord. this timeless resource is a great gift. it's only $4.99.
i am a sucker for printables. give me a sweet quote printed on pretty paper and stick it in a picture frame and i am happy as a lark. why not get creative and find a personal printable for your friends and family? there are a lot of bloggers that make a business of producing printables. most printables are free or available for a few dollars. just download and print, frame and gift! here are some links of where i like to get printables:
Jones Design Company -art, lists, tags, craftables
A Holy Experience -devotionals, calendars, encouragement, art
Word Candy Quotes -art, quotes
My Posh Designs -art, quotes
Naptime Diaries -art, quotes
there are a lot of ideas for supporting small business by gifting prints! i hope you will consider shopping small in this way.
Marci at Overcoming Busy, Stef Layton, and i are featuring small businesses on our sites every Tuesday until Christmas to encourage others to shop small. follow us on Twitter using #shopsmall.
Let us help one another to do good works.
Hebrews 10:24 NIRV