heaven only knows
that packages and bows
can never heal
a hurting human soul
i'm all grown up now
and still need help somehow
i'm not a child
but my heart still can dream
so here's my lifelong wish
my grown up christmas list
not for myself
but for a world in need

no more lives torn apart
and wars would never start
and time would heal all hearts
and everyone would have a friend
and right would always win
and love would never end
this is my grown up Christmas list
please pray with me for Peggy, her daughters and her granddaughters, and also for 3 year old Salvador and 6 year old Phyllis. if you would like to help my family bless these families in need, please email this week me eryn (at) mamahall (dot) com.
thank you.
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
and He will reward them for what they have done.
Proverbs 19:17