Monday, December 05, 2011


"And rejoice! Celebrate all the good things that God, 
your God, has given you and your family..." 
Deut 26:11 MSG

954. my physical strength and able body
955. organic whole grain pasta
956. candy canes
957. miniature Christmas trees
958. our growing collection of handmade Christmas ornaments
959. receiving an early Christmas gift
960. homemade pillowcases
961. teaching my daughter to make gifts
962. Truth in the Tinsel advent teachings and activities
963. the anticipation of a chilling dessert
964. crisp apples
965. the Prince of Peace
966. a season for praise and feasting
967. reminiscing with my husband
968. our precious Fontanini nativity
969. folding step ladders
970. the women's ministry at my church
971. an evening of laughs, encouragement, and prayer with my sisters
972. celebrating birthdays with friends
973. homemade bird feeders
974. pay at the pump
975. KLTY Christmas Wish program
976. "sweet tatatoes"
977. waking up to the sound of rain
978. laughing with my husband
979. Amazon Prime membership
980. joyful contentment
981. my little girl's new-found whistle

i am full of joy in His presence as i count nearly one thousand gifts. (Psalm 16:11)
