"For everything God created is good,
and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,
because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer."
1 Timothy 4:4-5 NIV
847. praying for opportunities to give and doors opening
848. nature vases on our window sill849. new blogs - new friends - in my reader
850. falling asleep to the beats of the local high school marching band
851. spending the night in nature with friends
852. a gang of children with binoculars and compasses exploring in the woods
853. conversations over the campfire
854. spacious 7-man tents
855. wrapped up in my husband's oversized hoody
856. three pairs of big fluffy socks on my cold feet
857. little mitten'd hands
858. campfire coffee in tin mugs
859. s'mores for breakfast
860. portable DVD player
861. a church where i am taught how, why, when
862. an invitation to be a part of a ministry
863. time to process Relevant
864. a lazy, nap-filled day at home
865. Texas football
866. watching our aquarium life
867. local businesses that welcome homeschool field trips
868. Fall flowers in bloom
869. my daughter's forgiveness
870. our Sunday morning family time at Hebrews
871. watching my husband raise his hands in worship
872. my new Seeds of Faith CD (thanks, Layton!)
873. campgrounds with electricity and clean water
874. our warm home and comfortable mattress to sleep on
875. eager-to-learn homeschooling students
876. access to thousands of free books for my little readers
877. little pink flower girl dress for my princess
878. watching my lil guy dancing uninhibited
879. my husband coming home with arms full of fresh pizza
...postured to seek the King in His beauty and view a land that stretches far, and to give Him all my thanks and praise. (Isaiah 33:17)