we are 16 days into the month of November which puts us about half way through the 30 Day Giving Challenge. when i decided to take the 30 Day Giving Challenge again this year, i committed myself to intentionally giving in some form or fashion every day of the month.

in 16 fast days my eyes and my heart have been open to the goodness of giving. i know the goodness of watching my children pick out the best toys and the cutest socks for kids they don't even know. i know the goodness of emptying my wallet into the red Salvation Army bucket. i know the goodness of baking extras to give just for the sake of giving.

when i prayed for the Lord to show me where to give, He answered. suddenly my needs are put into perspective. suddenly i have enough, plenty to share, and an undeniable desire to give.
there are ways to give near- as close to home as my next door neighbors- and far- as far away as the other side of the globe. it just takes a prayer, a passion, and some intentional planning.

when i committed to this challenge, i committed to the goodness of giving.

this week is Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week. this is a simple way to give and a big way to bless someone in need.