Thursday, October 20, 2011

thanks in advance

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i want to simply encourage you today to thank God in advance. 

a few nights ago, i was in a situation that made me worry, panicked, and afraid. the only thing i could do was pray and wait for the outcome. instead of praying with a needy, fearful, worried spirit, instead of begging God to rescue me, i thanked Him. because He is peace. He has already rescued us. i trust Him in all situations. He already knows the outcome, and He is a good God. so i thanked Him for pulling me through that situation, and for His perfect comfort in the midst.

it might seem awkward, because you wouldn't normally thank someone before they prove they can do something.

thanking God in advance is a test of my faith. when i give thanks to God for something i don't see yet, or something i don't have yet, i truly have to believe in my heart that He will do it or provide it. He doesn't have to prove anything to me. it's already in his Word that He loves me, He wants to protect me, and He has plans to give me a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11

start by thanking God first thing in the morning for a perfect day. sure, it's early and things could happen to make your day not so perfect, but why not thank God with trust that He can and will give you a perfect day! expect God to move on your behalf and thank Him. He is for you! (Psalm 37:4 and Matt 7:7)

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We thank God for the power Christ has given us. 
He leads us and makes us win in everything. 
He speaks through us wherever we go. 
The Good News is like a sweet smell to those who hear it.
2 Corinthians 2:14 NLV

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