Okay. Back to business.
So, last year I had a big fancy hotel room all to myself. It was quiet. It was tidy. It was cold. A little lonely. This year, I have a roommate! I'm bunking with my friend Kristen! And I am very much looking forward to it. But first...

1. I have never had a roommate. Other than high school dance camp where there were 6 girls to a dorm room for 2 nights. This will be kinda like that, right?
2. I will probably need white noise to sleep. At home, I sleep most peacefully with two big snoring dogs at the foot of the bed, a static-y baby monitor on high volume, and a bathroom fan on. Would it bother you if I brought my baby monitor? (kidding) (kinda)
3. I will definitely be brewing coffee first thing in the morning. I will save you a cup, or I will get you some sweet tea. :)
4. I'm ready to have fun. So feel free to talk me into doing something crazy, like going to Target at 10pm, or ordering a fudge sundae from room service, or making a karaoke video. I'm wild! And hyped up on coffee!
5. Master Books is sending me to Relevant. This means we will have lots of really cool books and swag in our room that I'll be giving away in the hotel lounge Friday 4-5pm and Saturday 9-10pm. I love Master Books. By the end of the weekend, you will love Master Books too. (wink)
6. My morning routine is quick and easy. I promise I won't hog the bathroom or use all the hot water. But let's get extra towels, okay?
7. I will miss my kids and husband like crazy. I hope I'm not obnoxious about this, but truly, my heart hurts when I'm apart from them. I know you, and I know you will understand when I need to call home "one more time." This makes me happy that you are my roommate.
8. I want pictures. When I got home from Relevant last year, I was bummed that I didn't have more pictures of me with my favorite bloggers. I'm just not very good at remembering to grab my camera when I'm in the moment (aka starstruck). I won't forget this year. Be ready!
9. I am tidy. The hotel cleaning crew might come into our room and think they've already cleaned it. My mom instilled in me a healthy fear of leaving something behind at the hotel as a result of being unkempt during my stay. Also, I can't turn off my Mommy-switch that picks up after a 3 and 6 year old all day every day.
10. I have a feeling we are going to be THAT room. :) I am over the moon excited to be sharing a room and experiencing Relevant '11 with you! Love ya, girl!
Now you know what it'll be like to room with me!
I'm linking up my Top Ten Tuesday with OhAmanda.com, HomeWithTheBoys.net, and A Life in Need of Change.
Will you be at Relevant? Let me know in the comments!
Not going to Relevant? Courtney of Women Living Well has something fun going on for you! Check out Women Living Well and join in the fun.
Make sure you are following me on Twitter for live updates from the conference plus giveaways from Master Books! I am @mamahall and I'll be using #Relevant11.